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Calculating Walking Isochrones with Mapbox

All distance is not created equal when it comes to time to destination


TransitChat is collaboration software for public transit. With TransitChat you can report, montior and schedule out public transit changes without email. All while documenting issues for federal review.

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3D Land Value visualizer

When it comes to determining land value we should be looking at the concentration of that land value and its return. Since land is finite and the cost of sprawl is high.

Transit intensity map
Transit Intensity Analysis

An automated analysis of gtfs to determine the intensity of service for a given geographic area. This repo will analyze the state of California in around 3 minutes using Golang.

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Simple Transit Site

An application that allow transit agencies to automate the generation of a website using gtfs

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GTFS to GeoJSON Converter

A simple tool to create geojson from GTFS files to build transit mapping applications.