To the Entrepreneurs




Regardless we persist and ask more from ourselves without paying attention to what is possible and that is what makes us special.

As we come into a new year we are all hopeful of things that we can accomplish and how we can better ourselves this year. Without fail we will all give up at some-point or at least compromise that we "we don't look that bad" or that "we didn't really think that it was possible".

Regardless we persist and ask more from ourselves without paying attention to what is possible and that is what makes us special. Holding onto he optimism and realism that it takes to become an entrepreneur.

We know that at some point you need to cut the fat, cut the loses and move on, but the fact remains that we do not give up. Whether your are pig headed enough to think that you've got the goods, you are stubborn enough to think that this is the year, or you are living well to seek revenge from those who doubted the aspirations and vigor of your younger self.

Never would I have thought that I would call myself an Entrepreneur, but here we are. A master of none with dyslexia and a proclivity to fail sideways and never up. For the past 13 months I have taken the time to take stock of my aspirations, goals and budget for my new life amongst the unemployable. And for the first time I can say that I have not looked for a job for the past 13 months. Something that I was known to do while on the clock longing for something less time consuming and enriching than an 9 to 5 job where they would pay me more, but never give me back my time or let me see any real gain from my hard work.

Make no mistake working for others is working towards the aspirations of someone else. While it is "stable" one could argue that the day your heart is not in it is the day that you are less valuable to them. They don't care about you, your family, your pets, your mortgage despite what clever copy that HR has drafted up in their handbook that protects them.

They will stop paying you, they may run out of money and not tell you and you have no control over the decisions to get the company there. All you are asked to do is fulfill the promises of the manager, the clients and the investors in any particular order without any regard to whether or not they have long term visions that are feasible.

The next year I will be moving forward with plans on never taking a job again. While this decision has been stressful it is just as much as having a job the flip side being that I was unhappy having someone look over my shoulder. I was unhappy being a line item that was constantly weighed every month to see if I was worth the squeeze.

Fail well succeed better,

Walter Jenkins

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